
Apakah Anda ingin melakukan reservasi melalui telepon?

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Tiket Penerbangan - Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

Ketik pertanyaan Anda di kolom pencarian atau lihat topik-topik pada kategori yang tersedia.


When and how can I get my e-ticket?

Your e-ticket is usually sent to you immediately after your pay confirmation. If you can't find your e-ticket in your incoming e-mails, don't forget to check your unwanted (spam/junk) e-mails as well. If you have not received your confirmation due to technical problems, please do not try to buy the ticket again. First, check your unwanted (spam / junk) e-mails, but if your problem is not solved, you can contact 24/7 as martiGO call center.